Wayne Perry

A photo of the word SCHAR on a concrete block wall.
Titles and Organizations

Professor Emeritus, Schar School of Policy and Government

Contact Information

Phone: 703-993-2276
Fax: 703-993-2284
Mason Square, Van Metre Hall
3351 Fairfax Dr.
Arlington, Virginia 22201
MS 3B1


Wayne Perry has held academic, research, and corporate positions, which have included director, Ph.D. program in public policy, George Mason University; dean and professor of industrial engineering, College of Engineering and Architecture and director, Texas Engineering Experiment Station, The Texas A&M University System, Prairie View; professor and director, Division of Management Sciences, and MBA program, Florida A&M University; supervisor, PhD students, The Pardee-Rand Graduate School of Policy Studies; senior economist and program manager, The Rand Corporation; instructor and research fellow, The Heinz School of Public Policy and Management, Carnegie-Mellon University; engineering project director, thermal systems design and analysis, Sandia National Laboratories; and industrial engineer, manufacturing systems, Ford Motor Company.

Areas of Research:

  • Education Policy
  • Energy Economics and Risk Analysis
  • Energy Policy
  • International Security
  • Operations Research and Management Sciences
  • Quantitative Methods
  • Science and Technology Policy
  • Weapons of Mass Destruction Arms Control and Proliferation Policy

View Wayne Perry's CV